Local 6th grade students from Roulhac Middle School in Chipley, Florida finished a 3-day STEM workshop at Florida Panhandle Technical College on Thursday, March 15, 2018, with hands-on opportunities to experience some of the newest science and technology, as seen in these photos by Real Florida Media, a subsidiary of The Goulding Agency in Chipley, Florida.
Starting in December of 2017, the students attended a total of 3 days for each school, through a grant from Motorola, dealing with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, finishing up this week, and the educational event is regarded as a huge success.
6th Grade students from Roulhac Middle School (shown here) as well as Vernon Middle School experienced activities with airborne drones, 3D printing, green screen video production, rockets, electrical and electronic systems and underwater robots.
Instructors from the Technical College tailored programs over the multi-day program to illustrate real-world use of this cutting-edge technology to these students, while making the activities fun and exciting.