What do you think of our region? ………………..

By | August 20, 2018

Opportunity Florida wants to hear from citizens to help develop strategy for 10-county region

Opportunity Florida has launched a campaign to have the residents of the region help provide a better understanding of how they feel about their location, and identify things they’d like Opportunity Florida to focus on as a region. They are using a simple online survey to gather this information. You can take the survey HERE.

The survey will only take a few minutes and is mostly multiple choice. They’ve also included an option at the end to either leave contact information or allow your response to remain anonymous.

Their hope is that citizens can help them understand the character and complexities of communities across the region more completely.

Opportunity Florida is working to develop positive economic growth in Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, Wakulla, Washington, and northern Walton counties. Better business and better jobs makes for happier families, and an overall better community, and that is exactly what they are about.

Please share this link with your co-workers, friends, and family that live within our 10-county Opportunity Florida region. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OpportunityFlSurvey