Co-ops Come Together in Times of Need ……………..

By | September 14, 2018

Submitted by West Florida electric Coop.


Seven members of West Florida Electric Cooperative’s Engineering & Operations department are responding to a request from South Carolina for assistance. They have volunteered to travel to Coastal Electric Cooperative (CEC) in Walterboro, South Carolina to assist with power restoration efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence.


Coastal Electric delivers electricity to around 11,000 accounts covering over 2,000 miles of power lines from 12 different substations. The two WFEC line crews are expected to leave for South Carolina on Saturday, September 15 after the storm passes and will stay until their assistance with power restoration is no longer needed.


As a cooperative, West Florida Electric adheres to the Seven Cooperative Principles, one of which is Cooperation among Cooperatives.  Officials say, “We believe that cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures such as mutual aid agreements”.


West Florida Electric is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative that serves over 25,000 members in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington Counties. Touchstone Energy is a national alliance of local, consumer owned electric cooperatives providing high standards of service to consumers, large and small.