Washington County students will receive free lunches for remainder of school year …..

By | January 3, 2019

Released by the Washington County School District ———-

Washington County District Schools is announcing an amendment to serving meals to students enrolled in our school district.

Due to the increase in additional certification from Hurricane Michael, our School District has been approved for Community Eligibility. Therefore, for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year, ALL students will be served free lunch and breakfast at the following sites:

Chipley High School; Roulhac Middle School; Kate M. Smith Elementary School; Vernon High School; Vernon Middle School; Vernon Elementary School; Washington Institute of Specialized Education (WISE) and the Washington Academy of Varying Exceptionalities (WAVE).

For additional information please contact the Washington County School District, Mr. Joe Taylor or Pat Collins at 652 Third Street, Chipley, FL 32428; 850-638-6222; or by email to: joseph.taylor@wcsdschools.com or pat.collins@wcsdschools.com