The Master Gardeners GARDEN TEAM at work …………….

By | February 7, 2019

Released by the Washington County Master Gardeners


The Falling Waters State Park Entrance will show people what our Florida Native Plants can really look like. The Garden Team is hard at work locating Native Plants.The PLAN has been made now WHERE DO YOU FIND NATIVE PLANTS?
The Falling Waters State Park Entrance is a dream of both the Park Employees and the Master Gardeners. We plan to put our funds, our backs and our combined skills and enthusiasm into this project. This will be for Washington County—for pleasure and education. If you would like to help us complete this dream, please keep up with our progress and dates will be announced.
Why Native??? To prevent introducing invasive plants that have the ability to thrive & spread and often destroys natural areas. Yes, there are native plants that are invasive but do not have as much negative impact. Another goal, is to provide food for bees, birds and butterflies.