Chipola begins Tree-planting project ………

By | March 9, 2019

Released by Chipola College —-

MARIANNA—Hurricane Michael forever changed the landscape of Chipola College. The 130-acre campus, once known for moss-draped oaks, towering pines and beautiful hickory and gum trees, now has only a few small trees scattered across campus.
Chipola officials are offering friends and alumni to re-forest the college through a Memorial Tree Project. More than 24 donors have purchased trees for the project, including an anonymous gift of $10,000.
The initial planting will include 77 larger (12-15 foot) trees, plus 30-40 smaller (6 foot) trees. Several trees have already been planted with half expected to be planted by mid-March. Varieties include: sweetgum, yellow poplar, overcup (white) oak, red maple, redbud, dogwood and dahoon holly.
Dr. David Hilton, Chipola Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, is advising on the tree project along with science professor Dr. Santine Cuccio. Barry Stafford, Senior Jackson County Forester, has directed Chipola Environmental Science students in the planting of native tree seedlings on campus.
Those who would like to help with the project, may make tax-deductible donations in any amount to the Chipola College Foundation. For a gift of $225, donors may purchase a 12-15 foot tree with a plaque in memory, or in honor of, a person or group. Checks may be delivered in person, or mailed to: Chipola College Foundation, 3094 Indian Circle, Marianna, FL, 32446.
For information, visit or phone 718-2478