Wausau Recreation program is growing …………

By | March 15, 2019

by Kathy Foster

The Wausau recreation program garnered the full support of the Town Council Thursday night when councilmembers voted 5-0 to “up front” monies needed to purchase equipment and uniforms with the promise the program would repay the monies through sponsorships and fundraisers.

Steve Hallmark, the current volunteer recreation director, met with councilmembers to report that 67 young people have signed up to participate in town’s rec program. That figure is up dramatically from the three young people who had originally signed up for the program.

Hallmark has worked hard over the past several weeks to “grow the program” and said he hopes to have the teams working out in the next week and games will begin April 9th.

Council members also approved a motion to allow fields at the Possum Palace to be used for football practice beginning around Aug. 1st.

Addressing other agenda items, councilmembers set a 5 p.m. meeting on March 28th to open, rank and choose engineering services for a CDBG Grant, and also took the following action:

  • Approved payment of Town bills.
  • Approved Fire Department minutes and training records.
  • Approved minutes of the Feb. 14th Town Council meeting.
  • Reviewed, but did not accept, an offer from the Department of Transportation on Possum Monument and purchase of property dealing with the new fire department.
  • Were informed that the Town’s insurance premiums would be increasing because they have learned that some items are not included under their current coverage.
  • Approved a motion supporting House Bill 0191.
  • Discussed city employees not wanting to be responsible for town-owned telephones and preferring to use their peronsal cell phones for Town-related business calls.