Baptist College of Florida celebrates Spring Preview Day …..

By | March 17, 2019

Released by Baptist College of Florida ….

The Open House event held each semester called Preview Day is the reason for excitement for members of the faculty, staff, and student body at The Baptist College of Florida (BCF) in Graceville. This semester on March 8, 2019 guests joined the BCF family for Spring Preview Day to see if BCF is where the Lord is calling them to continue their education.

Registration began promptly at 9:00 a.m. in the BCF Wellness Center. Prospective students and their families were welcomed with bags packed with information relating to campus life and the various degree opportunities available. They also obtained their first glimpse of BCF President Thomas A. Kinchen as he greeted guest while parading around the basketball court in his golf cart.

During registration, prospects were able to explore the many exhibit booths dedicated to providing information on specific degree programs, mission opportunities, disaster relief, financial aid, housing, student life activities, Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM), intramural sports, and the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). There were also stations set up to provide information on student resources such as the library, writing center, and computer lab. After perusing the booths, many guests visited the photo booth, taking photos with friends and family members that will serve as mementos for their Preview Day experience.

After registration, Kinchen and the Director of Student Life and Marketing Sandra Richards gave guests an energetic introduction and official welcome. In welcoming visitors, Kinchen gave out four $500 scholarships. Winners were Ray Rice, who is dual-enrolled at BCF, and three members of Immanuel Baptist Church in Tallahassee. There was a drawing for a pair of quality headphones, which were awarded to Naomi Stading. After another drawing, Sarah Brantner and Ray Rice received merchandise from “Izzy’s Isle,” the new campus store.

To give prospective students and their families a sample of what a typical day relating to their academic interest or career choice might look like, they were invited to attend a class. Classes were available in music, education, psychology, missions and theology, business, dual-enrolled, and financial aid.

Following the classroom visits, guests made their way to the R.G. Lee Chapel. The chapel service featured student led praise and worship by “One Voice”, highlighting the BCF Orchestra, BCF College Choir, and the ensembles which are available for students to join while attending BCF. Kinchen also offered a brief, yet powerful message from 2 Kings 6, reminding listeners to remain in the will of God. Chapel service concluded with a prayer of thanksgiving for the current and prospective students and a blessing for the food.

Immediately following chapel, lunch was provided in the dining facility, the Deese Center. During lunch guests enjoyed the smooth sounds of the BCF Jazz Band, followed by option to tour married housing or freshman dormitories with the BCF Residential Assistants (RA’s), or take a tour of the campus with one of the BCF Admissions Counselors.