Local Middle School students from Roulhac Middle School in Chipley, Florida and Vernon Middle School in Vernon will be exposed to some of the most recent cutting-edge technology during a 4-day STEM workshop at Florida Panhandle Technical College on Tuesday, March 19 through Friday, March 22, 2019, with hands-on opportunities to experience some of the newest science and technology, as seen in these photos from the 2018 events by Real Florida Media, a subsidiary of The Goulding Agency in Chipley, Florida.
The students will attended an intense 4 days of hands-on education, funded through local and corporate grants dealing with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and the educational event has been regarded as a huge success each year thus far.
Activities and exercises with with airborne drones, 3D printing, underwater robotics, video production, rockets, electrical and electronic systems have been a part of the curriculum over the past few years and more of the same is planned for 2019.
Instructors from Florida Panhandle Technical College tailor the programs over the multi-day program to illustrate real-world use of these cutting-edge technologies to these students, while making the activities fun and exciting.