Dr. Anderson talks plants at Chipola ……

By | March 20, 2019

Released by Chipola College …..

Pictured above with Dr. Anderson are: Dr. Anderson, Graham Bruner, Blake Donaldson, Thomas Hoff and Carol Blake.

Dr. Loran Anderson, Professor Emeritus of Biological Science and former Curator of the Godfrey Herbarium, Florida State University, recently addressed Chipola environmental science students.

Anderson synthesized his over 60 years of studying botany and identifying plants. Major themes included how life is interrelated and plant diversity.

He advised students on careers for botanists which include: teacher work in government agencies, forensics, identification of plants for environmental impacts and better management of the earth.

Pictured above from left, are: Dr. Anderson, Graham Bruner, Blake Donaldson, Thomas Hoff and Carol Blake.