BOCC discovers flooding problems not easy to solve ………….

By | March 23, 2019

by Kathy Foster

The Washington County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) devoted a good part of their March 21st meeting to learning about the groundwater issues facing property owners in the southeaster part of Washington County.

Meeting with Hydrogeologist Jeff Martin, commissioners discussed the flooding issues facing those living along Shenandoah Boulevard and appeared to come to the conclusion there wasn’t anything the County could do to relieve the situation.

Martin told comissioners that he didn’t think there was really anything they could do, but wait for the ground water levels to go down.

Brown explained that the average rainfall in that area is approximately 59 inches a year, but that over the last six months they have gotten above normal rainfall.

Commissioners noted that they are facing “a waiting game”.

Brown did say that property owners might look at circling their homes with sandbags and then pump out water collecting inside the circle of sandbags in a move to minimize water entering the homes.

Commissioners noted that May is norally a dry month and they are looking forward to that.

Commissioners also approved the following items on their agenda:

  • Future Land Use Map amendment from Agriculture/Siviculture to Low Density Residential for 33.8 acres of land at the southeast corner of Bedie Road and Duncan Community Road.
  • Future Land Use Map amendment from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial, for 0.6 acre of land at 1497 South Boulevard.
  • Special Exception Application to allow Residential Use on 7.4 acres of land on the west side of Hwy 277, 1/10 of a mile north of Clayton Road.
  • Rural Grant application for Mapping and Maintenance of Recording Equipment for E-911.
  • USDA Grant application for match for a vehicle purchase.
  • Appointment of Ross E. Statham to the Airport Authority Board.
  • Department of Economic Development Grant Agreement.

Commissioners also approved the following items on their Consent Agenda:

  • Authorizing the Chairman to sign a Proclamaation Relay for Life in support of the American Cancer Society.
  • Renewal of the annual Emergency Communication Tower Generator Maintenance Contracts with Florida Detroit Diesel for the Emergency Operations Center, new Mudhill Tower, Dispatch Center, Administration Building and the County Jail, with load bank resting added to the Jail contract.
  • Purchase of two mulching heads for a Bobcat excavator in the amount of $18,101 for the Public Works Department.
  • Agreement for John Warren, LLC to design and maintain the BOCC website.
  • Payment of February Vouchers totaling $1,476,308.84.
  • February 20, 2019 Board Meeting minutes.
  • Resolution urging the U.S. Congress to Pass Tax Relief for Individuals and Employers Suffering From Hurricane Michael.