A Photographic Look Back at the AMTRAK ‘Sunset Limited’ Making a Political Whistlestop in Chipley, Florida on February 19, 2016

By | April 2, 2019

Dozens of people cheered at the Bill Lee Train Depot in downtown Chipley, Florida as the Amtrak passenger train pulled into that station for the first time in more than 10 years on February 19, 2016, as seen in these photos from the event just over three years ago by Real Florida Media, a subsidiary of The Goulding Agency in Chipley, Florida.

The crowds were entertained by then U.S. Representative Corinne Brown and other political speakers, music, an honor guard, local officials and even Santa Claus as they welcomed the Amtrak, in hopes that political promises to continue Amtrak passenger service in Northwest Florida.

Thus far, after three years, and despite promises by now dethroned Florida Senator Bill Nelson, the service has not been started, and at least one attending politician on that day has been indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced to five years in federal prison on fraud charges. Citizens remain hopeful.