Chipola Black Student Union wins at State ………….

By | April 19, 2019

Released by Chipola College …

MARIANNA—The Chipola College Black Student Union attended the 44th Annual FAASA State Convention on April 11-14.

BSU students presented their 2018-2019 PACE Plan (Political Action, Academic Excellence, Cultural Awareness and Economic Empowerment). Chipola College received second place.

Chipola BSU adviser Dr. Willie Spires, said, “We are proud of our students and the hard work they demonstrated throughout the academic year, in spite of Hurricane Michael. Attendees were amazed at the amount of work that was presented by our BSU students.”

BSU President, LaNia Baker was voted in for a second term as Region 1 Director for the 2019-20 school year by her peers. Pensacola, Chipola, Northwest Florida State, and FSU representatives were present to vote.

The Chipola Black Student Union is advised by Dr. Willie Spires and co-advised by Linda Morales. BSU is open to all Chipola students. BSU’s mission is to promote educational, social, political, and cultural awareness on and off of campus and is active in community service projects, school activities, fundraisers, special events and state conferences.