BCF Seniors Prepare for Final Celebrations ………….

By | May 3, 2019

Released by The Baptist College of Florida …

Seeming to quicken its pace, the semester at The Baptist College of Florida (BCF) in Graceville is coming to an end as students work on completing their final projects, papers, and exams. This is a bittersweet time for many graduating seniors. Though they will miss their friends and have made many memories that they will carry with them for a lifetime, graduates look forward to the special events planned to commemorate the season they have spent at BCF. These events include Student Preaching, Senior Honors Day, and the Spring 2019 Commencement Ceremony.

On Tuesday, May 7, at 10:00 a.m., the Presidential Excellence in Preaching Award will be presented to one senior who has exemplified the characteristics of a biblical leader and has an undeniable gift for preaching. The recipient of this award will then take the pulpit to preach in front of his peers and professors for the special chapel service.

Senior Honors Day will take place the following day, May 8, at 10:00 a.m. as graduating seniors of the Spring 2019 class who have earned high GPA honors are recognized. This celebratory service will be held in the R. G. Lee Chapel and include a time of senior-led praise and worship, as well as presentations from the senior class officers on their project. Graduating seniors are excited to share this special day with fellow students, friends, and family members, and will attend a special luncheon with their invited guests immediately following the service.

The Spring 2019 commencement ceremony will be held in the BCF Wellness Center on May 17, with 42 graduates completing all of the necessary degree requirements. While working tirelessly to bring the semester to a strong finish, members of the 2019 graduating class are also busy finalizing their plans for life after graduation. Many have been accepted into seminary or graduate programs, while others have accepted leadership positions in areas of ministry, missions, music, education, business, and psychology. Challenged as the next greatest generation of Christian leaders, expectations are high as the graduating class goes on to fulfill the BCF registered trademark of “Changing the World Through the Unchanging Word. ®”

For more information on Senior Honors Day or upcoming graduation events at The Baptist College of Florida, please call 800.328.2660 or visit the website at www.baptistcollege.edu.

BCF Graduating Seniors Dixie Smith and Jordan Lacy share special moments with Eastside Senior Pastor Shawn Buice. One staple at BCF is lifelong friendships and special memories.