by Kathy Foster …
Members of the Chipley Kiwanis Club opened Tuesday’s meeting learning about the new slate of officiers who will serve during the 2019-2020 club year. Included on that list were the following:
- President: Tracy Adnrews
- Past President: LeMerle Fetsma
- Vice President: Aubrey Sapp
- President Elect: Nicole Barefield
- Treasurer: Tommy Sasser
- Three Year Directors: Bruce Christmas and Vickie Williams
- Two Year Directors: David Corbin and Dale Corbin
- One Year Directors: Cindy Birge and Debbie Moxley
Guest speaker at Tuesday’s meeting was local historian Judge Perry Wells who regaled his listeners with stories from the past including the fact that he spent several of his years in the military escorting bodies back to the U.S. for burial following World War II.