HCSO: Program aimed at giving inmates life skills and better chance for success after release ……………..

By | June 13, 2019

Released by the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office   …


BONIFAY – Holmes County Jail recently partnered with Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse and Mental Health Regional (SAMH) office to offer WRAP, a self-management program designed to help inmates identify problematic situations in their daily life before they happen and employ concepts related to recovery, personal responsibility, education, and support.

WRAP – which stands for Wellness Recovery Action Plan – is a voluntary 16-hour curriculum taught at no charge by Crystal Miles with the Northwest Region SAMH Program.

Three WRAP classes have been completed since initiating the training at Holmes County Jail in May. So far, 29 men and 18 women have graduated with their own individualized plan for recovery in place.

This curriculum is designed to help participants develop better skills for managing their mental/behavioral health and substance use disorders, develop individual recovery plans, and find positive outlets both while in the jail and upon returning to the community.

These plans are personalized to each individual’s situation and can involve a variety of tools, such as establishing a support network and developing positive wellness tools to deal with stressors that may have previously led them to engage in negative behaviors.

In addition to improving recovery success and reducing recidivism, the program can also increase inmates’ employment skills and job marketability to the workforce, thanks in part to increased cognitive abilities and improved personal responsibility.

“We are glad to be partnered with the SAMH program in these efforts,” said Sheriff John Tate. “The goal is to give inmates better tools to manage their physical and mental health, as well as break the cycle of addiction so that they have a better chance of success when retuning to the community.”

WRAP classes are also available to the public at other locations schedule through SMAH by calling Miles at 850-519-5846.