League of Women Voters sends letter to Rubio, Scott, DeSantis re: Homestead Air Force Base ……………

By | June 14, 2019

Relased by the Florida League of Women Voters   …


ORLANDO, Fla – On Thursday, the League of Women Voters of Florida sent the following letters to the offices of Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Rick Scott, and Governor Ron DeSantis regarding the Homestead Temporary Shelter for Unaccompanied Children in Miami-Dade County.

This past weekend at the 37th Biennial Convention of the League of Women Voters, League delegates unanimously voted to take action on the federal government’s housing of migrant children in a for-profit facility at Homestead Air Force Base.

Unless conditions are met to safeguard fair treatment of detained immigrant children – including the return of education and physical exercise to the daily routine – the League of Women Voters of Florida strongly requests the closing of the Homestead Transitional Shelter.

The Homestead temporary influx facility is unique because it is a temporary overflow facility on federal property; therefore, it is not required to be licensed by the state and follow Florida childcare standards.

We urge you to establish an oversight agency that will guarantee a safe, permanent, and stable environment for all children being held without their parents or guardians at this facility. The LWV of Florida is asking the Governor and U.S. Senators to intervene and put an end to the intolerable, inhumane neglect and deprivation of these children.

We thank you for your time.


Patricia Brigham