Community South Credit Union hosts Hurricane Preparedness Workshop ……………………

By | June 15, 2019

by Kathy Foster 


Community South Credit Union hosted an Hurricane Preparedness Workshop Thursday at the Ag Center in Chipley and gave those attending the opportunity to gather information on how  to prepare for the 2019 hurricane season.



Photo highlights of Thursday’s event:


Staffers from Life Management were on hand to talk with attendees.
Washington County Health Department was on hand to dissiminate information.
Attendees signed in and registered for door prizes.
West Florida Electric Coop representative handed out information on how to handle power outages during a hurricane.
Attendees were treated to dinner.
Chipley Mayor Tracy Andews represented Gulf Power at the event.
Chipley Police Chief Scott Thompson talked with those stopping by the workshop.
Community South Credit Union representatives welcomed attendees to Thursday’s event.