Wausau Town Council recognizes Waste Management for their support …………….

By | June 26, 2019

by Kathy Foster

Ronnie Bell (r), representing Waste Management, Inc. , was presented a plaque at Tuesday night’s Wausau Town Council Workshop by Wausau Recreation Department head Steve Hallmark, recognizing the company’s support of the Town’s Recreation Department.

Wausau Recreation Department head Steve Hallmark led off Tuesday’s Workshop with the plaque presentation, followed by his quarterly report on the department’s activities (which he described as a “success”), and announcement about the following upcoming events:

  •  Softball/Baseball Camp July 8th – 13th at the Possum Palace from  5:30 to 7:30 p.m. each night.  Anyone interested in participating is invited to just show up at the Possum Palace.
  •  Wresting Match Fundraiser Sept. 28th at the Possum Palace beginning at 7 p.m.

Council members also received a quarterly report from David Ferguson, Town Maintenance Department, who said the department was operating “fine” and said his work right now consists primarily of “mowing, weeding and checking water lines.”

Handling other agenda items, council members:

  •  Said they will set budget workshops in July and August, and will then take action at their September meeting.
  •  Said they will take action at their July meeting regarding the sign being donated by the Dalton Carter Family to be placed on the west wall of Town Hall meeting room.  The sign will include the State Seal, the logo of the Town of Wausau, and the wording “In God We Trust”.
  • Said they were willing for the Fire Department to fill private swimming pools – if the home was close to a fire hydrant and the property owner will pay for the water.
  •  Said drug activity appeared to be down since the Washington County Sheriff’s Department has making their presence known after dark.