WC BOCC agrees to lower millage ……………..

By | July 26, 2019

by Kathy Foster

Washington County’s Board of County Commissioners voted 4-0 at their July 25th meeting to lower the county’s Trim Rate by one-quarter mill as they move into setting the 2019-2020 county budget.  The Trim Rate was set at 8.7235 which commissioners said will meet the county’s financial requirements.  Commissioners had stated for the past several sessions that their goal was to lower the millage rate and they followed through with their promise.


Commissioners also received an  Census 2020 presentation from Victor Cora, Florida Partnership Specialist, who asked board members to participate in establishing a Complete Count Committee for Washington County. He said the committee, which is constitutionally mandated, will handle the county’s 2020 census requirements.  The committee is to be made up of residents of each individual county and Cora said they are already working to recuit census workers.  Applicants can apply online at 2020census.gov/jobs.  Cora said the census will start in January, 2020, and run through an approximate six month time frame.  He added that getting an accurate count is vital to federal funding received by the county.


In other action commissioners were extremely complimentary of Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis for all the work he has done on behalf of Florida firefighters.  Rick Kerr, Fire Services Cordinator for Washington County, was present at the meeting to show equipment each of the county’s volunteer fire departments has received from the CFO’s department.


Commissioners also held public hearings on the following issues and then approved all three of the requests.

• Special Exception for City of Chipley
• Special Exception located at Lucas Lake Road
• Variance for property located at 2257 Radcliff Circle


Commissioners also approved the following:

  • Minutes of their July 17th Workshop
  • Board minutes dated June 20, 2019
  • Appointment of Kyle Newsom as Representative for the Washington County School Board on Planning Commission
  • Appointment of Mark Odom as Representative of Planning Commission, District 4
  • Reappointment of  Darrin Wall to the CareerSource Chipola Board
  • Human Trafficking Hotline Awareness Signage 
  • Payment of June Vouchers totaling $2,224,991.66
  • Directed the BOCC Chairman to Execute an Easement to DEP for County Road 280/Douglas Ferry Road
  • Employee Handbook Update presented by Wendy White, Human Resources Director
  • FY 2019-20 Emergency Management Performance Agreement 
  • Application for an Emergency Management Performance Grant
  •  Issuing a Request for Quotes  for Debris Removal
  •  Issuing a Request for Proposals for Secondary Engineer Services
  •  Issuing a Request for Proposals for Architectural Services for LMS Related Projects
  • DEO Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant presented by Karen Shaw, Special Projects Coordinator
  • A request by Allison Blevins, Administrative Assistant, Florida Department of Health, to purchase a new digital repeater through Special Project Funding

Commissioners did table a request to allow the purchase of a new patch truck.  Their concerns to turned over to County Administrator Jeff Massey for additional information.




The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be a Workshop on August 13, 2019 at 9:00 a.m., CST, at 1331 South Blvd., Chipley, Florida. The Board of County Commissioners will accommodate handicapped and disabled persons who wish to attend these meetings. Contact the BOCC Administrative Office at 638-6200, at least 48 hours before the meeting date to make arrangements.