FDOT announces website for Florida Multi-use Corridors of Regional Economic Significance (M-Cores) ………………….

By | August 1, 2019

Released by the Florida Department of Transportation   …


Tallahassee, Fla. –  The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is announcing a new website for citizen engagement with the Florida Multi-use Corridors of Regional Economic Significance (M-CORES) program, www.FloridaMCores.com.


The M-CORES program has multiple goals, including job creation, revitalizing rural communities, and to provide regional connectivity using technology to help enhance quality of life and public safety. During the process, protecting the environment and natural resources will be a priority. The objective of the program is to advance the construction of regional corridors that are intended to accommodate multiple modes of transportation and multiple types of infrastructure including broadband, sewage, water, and electric systems.

The Department will form and use a task force for each corridor to make high level recommendations for their respective areas which include:

  • Southwest-Central Florida Connector, extending from Collier County
  • Suncoast Connector, extending from Citrus County to Jefferson County
  • Northern Turnpike Connector, extending from the northern terminus of the Florida Turnpike northwest to the Suncoast Parkway


“We are excited to launch the new website dedicated to communication and collaboration for the proposed corridors. The website is a great asset for sharing the latest information about the corridors and for announcing public meetings,” explains FDOT Secretary Kevin J. Thibault, P.E. “It’s another forum for citizens to share their ideas. The Department places public engagement as one of the highest priorities and we welcome public feedback throughout this initial thirteen-month evaluation process. Very soon, we will announce all Task Force meetings and public workshops in various cities as we seek to hear the voices from all communities and stakeholders around the state.”

Citizens can email the Department with their questions and suggestions at FDOT at FDOT.Listens@dot.state.fl.us.