EPA Takes Action to Provide Accurate Risk Information to Consumers, Stop False Labeling on Products …………….

By | August 14, 2019

Released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency   …


WASHINGTON  – On Friday, Aug. 9, EPA issued guidance to registrants of glyphosate to ensure clarity on labeling of the chemical on their products. EPA will no longer approve product labels claiming glyphosate is known to cause cancer – a false claim that does not meet the labeling requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The State of California’s much criticized Proposition 65 has led to misleading labeling requirements for products, like glyphosate, because it misinforms the public about the risks they are facing. This action will ensure consumers have correct information, and is based on EPA’s comprehensive evaluation of glyphosate. Congress and stakeholders had the following to say:

House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) and Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Subcommittee Ranking Member Neal Dunn (FL-2):
“Farmers and consumers alike depend on a science-based, transparent, and predictable pesticide registration process to provide access to important tools while protecting human health and the environment. California’s Proposition 65 labeling requirement for products containing glyphosate is misleading and interferes with EPA’s ability to communicate factual information to consumers. We applaud Administrator Wheeler and his team for maintaining the integrity of the pesticide registration process by rejecting these inaccurate labeling requirements.”

House Science, Space and Technology Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas (OK-3):
“Farmers and ranchers rely on accurate and consistent labels when choosing products. EPA has conducted the most thorough and comprehensive evaluation of glyphosate’s effects and established its safety. The agency’s guidance issued today ensures consumers can be certain federal labels are based on the best available science and can be trusted not to contain misleading or false claims.”

Chandler Goule, CEO of the National Association of Wheat Growers:
“NAWG is pleased with and welcomes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s recent statement reaffirming glyphosate as a noncarcinogen, and that there are no risks to public health when used in accordance with its current label. Glyphosate has been a breakthrough for agriculture, and this includes wheat production. Not only do glyphosate products control weeds, but they also help farmers farm the land sustainably.”

Mark McKean, cotton and specialty crop grower from Riverdale, Calif., serves on the National Cotton Council Board and as a member of the American Cotton Producers:
“I and my fellow cotton growers around the country applaud EPA’s willingness to stand behind their science, and science of so many other groups, to assure the public that glyphosate does not pose a cancer risk.  As a farmer I know that, for pesticides, ‘the label is the law,’ and it is well within the bounds of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) for EPA to deny labelling that is not confirmed by science as they are doing with California’s mislabeling of glyphosate as a carcinogen listed under the state’s Proposition 65 law.”

Richard Gerstenberger, Michigan farmer and president of the American Sugarbeet Growers Association:
“The 10,000 family farmers in eleven states that produce the majority of America’s sugar have safely used glyphosate for more than a decade, providing many environmental benefits and meeting impressive sustainability objectives. We thank Administrator Wheeler for taking action to prevent misleading and inaccurate labels on glyphosate.”

Suzanne Rutherford, California sugarbeet grower:
“Through Proposition 65, California has only created consumer confusion about glyphosate and perpetuated inaccurate information from the International Agency on the Research for Cancer (IARC) that is contradicted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and regulatory agencies worldwide. The sugarbeet growers in California appreciate these new actions by EPA to ensure consumers have accurate information about glyphosate.”

Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance:
“The Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance applauds the EPA for taking action to ensure that glyphosate product labels do not include false or misleading safety information. This spring the Agency reaffirmed that glyphosate poses no risks to public health when used in accordance with the label and is not carcinogenic. Our agronomic focused members take safety – human and crop – very seriously. The product label is the law and needs to be accurate in all aspects. Our farmer members are focused on using no tillage systems to improve soil health and glyphosate-based herbicides are an important tool to achieving that goal. No-till reduces topsoil erosion which contributes to water quality and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. We’re proud of the work we do to ensure more sustainable harvests. Our organization is also focused on promoting no-till benefits. Education is key to that mission and is only successful with accurate information.”