Chipley City Council holds disaster workshop …………

By | August 21, 2019

by Kathy Foster


Chipley’s City Council met in a workshop session Monday evening to  prioritize needs for continuing recovery efforts following Hurricane Michael.

While no decisions were made, Ada Clark, Disaster Recovery Coordinator with Emerald Coast Regional Council, was present to help council members understand the need to prioritize their needs before State and Federal funding comes down.

Discussing what city personnel see as the top needs for Chipley, council members included the following:

  •  Need for a functioning sprayfield
  •  Problem of infiltration of the sewer system by water runoff
  •  Need for generators so there will be power available to keep things   functioning
  •  Communication availability

Discussing the need for shelters, City Administrator Dan Miner said Washington County is addressing that issue so schools won’t be involved if another emergency arises and a place has to be found to house evacuees.

Miner also said the important thing will be figuring out which pots of money will be the best fit for the items the council members and staff have identified as needed to be prepared for the next emergency.

One of the problems cited by Chipley officials was the loss of communication between emergency personnel.  He said the police and fire departments had major problems communicating.

Council members agreed that being better prepared for the next emergency won’t be an “quick fix”, but might be better described as a “learning process”.