by Kathy Foster
A retired Lt. Commander fromt the United States Navy, Homer Hirt was guest speaker at Thursday’s meeting of the Washington County Friends of the Library and shared some of his family’s books with members.
Hirt said the old books came from an 1800’s library in the home of a family member and showed how a bygone era helped form the family lives of that period.
Hirt said one of the more interesting finds in the old books were 200 pieces of Confederate currency that were hidden among the pages.
Along with his Naval career, Hirt has owned a ford dealership, ws the CEO of the Port of Jackson County on the Apalachicola River, and an active participant in the “water wars” between Alabama, Georgia and Florida.
Before closing the Friends’ meeting, President Pat Dixon announced that the group will not be meeting during December and said the January 2020 meeting will be held on Jan. 9, 2020.
In other business the minutes of the October meeting were approved and Treasurer’s Report showed a balance of $2,375.