Florida Department of Health Highlights Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Accomplishments …………..

By | January 14, 2020

Released by the Florida Department of Health …  

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Department of Health (Department) Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) has released its 2018-2019 Annual Report to the Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives. The report highlights this year’s accomplishments in achieving the following outcomes: reduction of the rate of inappropriate use of prescription drugs through education and safety efforts; reduction of the quantity of pharmaceutical controlled substances obtained by individuals attempting to engage in fraud and deceit; increased coordination among interested parties participating in the PDMP; involvement of stakeholders in achieving improved patient health care and safety and reduction of prescription drug diversion.

“I am pleased that the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program has been so successful in helping reduce the misuse and diversion of controlled substances, including prescription opioids, in Florida,” said Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez. “This information allows us to closely study trends and achieve a better understanding of the practice and frequency of drug prescribing among providers, as well as drug consumption among patients.” 

“The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program has proven an effective tool in helping our partners in public health respond to the opioid crisis and has made a real difference in protecting our families and loved ones from the ravages of prescription drug abuse,” said Florida Surgeon General Dr. Scott A. Rivkees. “While I am pleased by the progress reflected in this report, there still remains plenty of work to do regarding the elimination of prescription drug abuse and misuse in our great state.”

Report highlights include:

  • 100.1% increase in prescriber registrations and 43.3% increase in dispenser registrations;
  • 50,688,241 queries have been made by prescribers and dispensers;
  • 53.3% reduction in the average morphine milligram equivalents prescribed;
  • 19.7% decrease in dispensing of hydrocodone-acetaminophen;
  • 10.5% reduction in dispensing of oxycodone SA;
  • 80.7% reduction in individuals (doctor shoppers) who have visited 5 or more prescribers and 5 or more pharmacies within a 90-day period;
  • 455 entities’ electronic health recordkeeping systems across the state have integrated PDMP information into the clinician’s workflow; and
  • Interstate data sharing with 16 states and the Military Health System.

Evidence continues to accumulate validating Florida’s PDMP as effective in improving clinical decision-making, reducing multiple provider episodes and diversion of controlled substances, and assisting in other efforts to curb the prescription drug abuse epidemic. The effectiveness of Florida’s PDMP is reflected in a significant increase in registration and utilization resulting in a decrease in multiple provider episodes, decrease in morphine milligram equivalents, and reduction in oxycodone overdose deaths.

The PDMP continues to be a critical tool in the fight to protect health and safety by reducing doctor shopping and controlled substance related deaths, while supporting sound clinical practice in the prescribing of controlled substances.

About the Florida Department of Health

The Florida Department of Health, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts.

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