February 5: Civil Rights Groups and Advocates Rally at the Florida Capitol for Criminal Justice Reform ……………………………

By | January 29, 2020

Released by the Florida Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform    …


Over 300 activists and directly impacted Floridians from across the state will gather to advocate for common sense reforms


TALLAHASSEE, FL – In an effort to build momentum towards implementing criminal justice reform during this legislative session, more than 300 constituents from across the state will gather to rally at the state capitol with the Florida Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform, a non-partisan, diverse coalition of organizations working to reform Florida’s criminal justice system. .

While other states have implemented comprehensive criminal justice reforms, Florida remains one of the few states that continues to rely on an outdated system based on excessive punishment for minor offenses that drives too many people into jails and prisons for far too long. This system costs taxpayers millions while doing next to nothing to rehabilitate individuals, and fails to address the root causes of crime and poverty. More than 30 states and the federal government have reformed the failed policies of the 1990s by adopting data-driven, evidence-based solutions that rehabilitate individuals, reduce recidivism, make communities safer, and reunite families. Florida, however, continues to operate a costly and ineffective criminal legal system one that wastes human lives and potential without making communities safer.

Participants of the rally will share their personal stories with their legislators while advocating specifically to increase rehabilitation credits, also known as “gain time,” for participation in educational, vocational, and skills-based programming; drug addiction and mental health counseling; and productive activities. Incentivizing and rewarding rehabilitation will address the root causes of crime and ensure that incarcerated individuals have the tools they need to be productive members of their community upon release.

What: 2020 Criminal Justice Reform Lobby Day Rally at the Capitol  

Who: Speakers will include legislators prioritizing criminal justice reform, individuals directly impacted by the criminal justice system, and representatives from Florida’s Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform  

When: Wednesday, February 5 at 9:00-9:45 AM

Where: Florida’s Capital Complex, Historic Steps 32, 400 S. Monroe St., Tallahassee, Fl 32399 (the old Capitol building on the steps facing Monroe St.)

Spokespersons, policy experts and impacted individuals will be available for interviews after the press conference.