GCSC Foundation Receives Donation for GCSC STEM Youth Programs …………..

By | February 19, 2020

Released by Gulf Coast State College   …

Panama City, FL – The Gulf Coast State College Foundation is excited to announce that they are receiving a donation from the Navy League Bay County Council in the amount of $32,000 as part of a $50,000 pledge. The donation will be used to support Gulf Coast State College’s summer STEM camp programs for 8th – 10th grade students.

“The generous funding Gulf Coast is receiving from the Navy League will assist in providing opportunities for 8th-10th grade students to gain experience in the STEM disciplines,” said Katie McCurdy, Executive Director of Community Engagement. “This will give students the chance to use innovative thinking while working alongside experts in the STEM fields to solve real-world problems.”

A check presentation will be held during the District Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, February 20 at 10:00 a.m. in the William C. Cramer, Jr. Seminar Room.