U.C. Berkeley ‘Week In Review’

By | February 19, 2020

Released by the University of California    …

Week in Review


Nutrition and Weight Control


Is Your Brain Telling You to Overeat?

If you’re trying to lose weight, but you can’t seem to resist any number of tasty temptations—like that box of chocolates you received for Valentine’s Day—you’re in good company. And the problem may not be your willpower. Advances in brain scanning technology, genetic testing, and research on drug addiction and dependence are helping researchers better understand the impulse to overeat. Here’s a look at the recent findings and at new strategies that may help reduce appetite, bolster impulse resistance, and fight the urge to overindulge.




2020 Memory White Paper


Hope and Good News Regarding Memory and Aging

Whether you’re worried about developing Alzheimer’s disease or are just having problems remembering where you left your car keys, eyeglasses, or TV remote, the 2020 Memory White Paper could make a big difference in your life. It brings you the most significant memory and mind breakthroughs over the past year from leading medical research facilities around the world.




Prostate Disorders


Prostate Cancer: What a Gleason Score 6 Really Means

Many men, when told they have a Gleason score 6 prostate cancer, worry that their prognosis is bad because the number 6 seems high. But here’s what that score really means—and what doctors are doing to clear up the confusion.





Partial or Total Knee Replacement for Osteoarthritis?

People with osteoarthritis who need a knee replacement may do just as well—or even better—with a partial replacement rather than a total replacement, according to a 2019 study in The Lancet.




2020 Nutrition and

Weight Control White Paper


How to Fight Age Related Weight Gain

If you’ve gained weight in middle age or even later in life, improving your diet can help you take off those extra pounds and decrease your risk of developing chronic diseases. That is, it’s never too late to benefit from diet changes. To help you in your quest for a healthier lifestyle, leading nutrition and weight-control authorities have joined together to bring you the 2020 Nutrition and Weight Control White Paper.






Smart Exercise Strategies for People with Type 2 Diabetes

Physical activity of almost any kind is good for your health. Exercise lowers your risk of heart disease and can help you keep your blood glucose levels in check. Findings from a 2019 study in Cardiovascular Diabetology provide insight into the types of exercise that may offer special benefits to people with type 2 diabetes.



Lung Disorders


Long Lasting, Progressive Lung Damage Seen in Light and Ex-Smokers

Older adults aren’t the only ones who need to worry about their lungs on smoggy days. Poor air quality can lead to emergency respiratory treatment among people of all ages, especially those with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, and acute respiratory infections, according to investigators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).




2020 Arthritis White Paper


Healthy-Joint Secrets to Help Keep You Flexible and Pain Free

The more you know about arthritis, the more you will understand the rationale behind the treatments, and the better prepared you will be to participate in your own arthritis management. That’s why the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health has engaged one of the leading arthritis experts to bring you the 2020 Arthritis White Paper.