Mondays with Pete – March 30, 2020

By | March 30, 2020
Released by the Rev. Pete Hyde   …

Good morning;


          I stood yesterday in an empty sanctuary for the second Sunday in a row.  It wasn’t completely empty – a small group of dedicated staff and volunteers shuffled around to get ready for an online broadcast.  The lights shone stark white against the white walls.  The sound was almost hollow in the large vacant room.  Light traffic could be seen through the glass doors puttering down the highway – unknown people going to unknow places.

          I miss gathering together for Sunday Bible study and worship.  I miss the weekly gatherings and ministries of the church and seeing people coming and going through God’s house.  I miss greeting and shaking hands.  I miss smiles and hugs.  I miss seeing the congregation spending time with each other.  I miss a sanctuary filled with voices singing and praying.  I miss seeing expressions on faces as the music lifts us up and sends a message to our hearts in a way no other medium can.  I miss snacks and coffee in the foyer.  I miss the preschool children filling the halls with laughter and energy. I miss the face to face checking on each other. I miss the “church” – the body of believers.

          I don’t miss having to make sure everything is set up and going just right.  That has to be done even if no one is here for worship.  It is even more important now that we are relying solely on technology to get worship into the home of those watching.  There is whole new level of trust in the unseen internet and software over which we have little control and little patience.  I don’t miss the complainers and gripers who always seem to find at least one thing that isn’t to their liking and make sure everyone knows about it except perhaps those who could do something about it.  I don’t miss the gossip cloaked in false concern about wanting to know how someone or other is doing.

          I stand behind the pulpit going over my notes hours before the service in a room that will not be filled this morning and probably not be filled in the Sundays to come in the near future.  It is my guess that pastors, staff and worship leaders around the world are standing in empty worship centers with much the same thoughts and feelings as mine.

          But, you know what?  The room is not empty!!  No there may be no human bodies there, but the Holy Spirit fills the place where worship is directed to God.  The Holy Spirit can and will direct His power and presence through the unseen technology into the hearts, minds and souls of those who gather remotely.  He will touch the lives of those truly worshipping Him in this strange and unprecedented time for the church.  Scripture commands us not to forsake gathering together.  Though we are not gathered physically, we can still gather through the power and presence of the Spirit.

          These are trying and uncertain times.  But the power of God can and will triumph.  His Spirit lives in each and every heart who believe an follow Him.  The times may be scary, uncertain and unsettling.  But God is constant.  His power is forever, and his presence is everywhere.

          I remember this morning Paul’s words to the church at Corinth.  “We have these treasures in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed in every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. . . . Therefore, do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed bay by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that outweighs them all.  So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4: 7-9, 16-18)



Rev. J. Pete Hyde, Senior Pastor

Santa Rosa Beach Community Church
