Released by the Washington County School District …
As we end our second week of Distance Learning, I want to encourage you in what we are all doing here. I know it is intimidating and a whole different world for you, but please know it is totally different world for all of us.
In education, Differentiated Education is a term for teaching to the individual student .. in this, we are now doing it totally off the charts. Every student is in a separate learning mode and has separate opportunities. We all face a totally different world in education. As a School District we have been tasked to finish out this school year successfully – with fidelity, purpose, aiming for the growth and support for our students and their families. I assure you that is what we are going to do.
We realize the stress of students and their home life and the weight upon caregivers who are doing all they can to get by. I assure you it is our goal as a School District to provide and work with our students for their success and offer any assistance to the families and communities that we can. Please reach out to the schools when the overwhelming feelings come on and know that we will work with you at every level.
We are in the Spring of the year and this should be a time of celebration for our schools and students. As time goes and events such as chorus programs, spring festivals, drama productions, spring sports in the schools and within our communities, spring band concerts, banquets for activities, and social events are cancelled we are all losing moments and the memories that go with the. Very few of us remember much about our school years but those events and the things they represent we all remember. As families are now not able to watch and participate with their children and celebrate their accomplishments, this is heartbreaking. Please do not lose home and give in to despair. Please reach out and ask for any assistance you may need. As a community we are going to go forward!
What I do want to assure everyone of is that there is a tomorrow and we are preparing for it now and will be prepared for it when we are able to participate as a School district.
April 10th the District will be closed for Spring Day … and Sunday the greatest Day of promise and of tomorrow, will be celebrated in Easter. Focus on your families and those who surround you and know especially on that day there is Hope.
Joseph Taylor
Washington County Superintendent of Schools