Making Wise Fiscal Decisions at a Time of Crisis – Jack Levine

By | April 26, 2020
Released by Jack Levine   …

Making Wise Fiscal Decisions at a Time of Crisis – Jack Levine


As an advocate, I try to be the optimist in the room, striving to reach solutions to problems by giving people confidence to make a positive difference. I must confess that these days, that role is quite hard to play. 


As we face the twin crises of the coronavirus pandemic and severe economic distress, voices which call for “getting back to normal” run contrary to the scientific counsel offered by public health experts. Moving on without advocating for social isolation is simply not what the doctors are ordering.


One stark reality is that Florida’s budget picture is cloudy and ominous. We are heavily reliant on tax proceeds from tourist visitors, convention attendees, dining out, leisure activities and shoppers.


With those demands nearly stifled, our state leaders will soon be forced to accurately assess the deficits we face and act expeditiously to reach feasible solutions.


The Congress and federal executive branch have the option of spending money they don’t have…and the size of our federal deficits were higher than ever even before the coronavirus crisis. With their recent accord for an emergency infusion of dollars to address critical needs, the red ink will flow by the barrelful.


For state government…not so fast!  Soon, our state legislators will be forced do one of three things…or some combination of these options: dip in to our $4-billion reserves (which is just a paltry 5-percent of our state budget), raise taxes (usually consider a “not gonnna go there” action in an election year), or cut budgets.


The latter recourse will, obviously, magnify the problems we are already experiencing as health care, education, public safety, social services and environmental protection make up 85-percent of the state budget.  Where to go for reductions is a potentially disastrous scenario…and of course, some cuts will never heal.


Taking resources away from programs which are proven to be cost-beneficial in avoiding later costs is inhumane, imprudent and self-destructive in the immediate, short and long term.


Prevention is the best medicine…and failure to prevent problems results in harsh self-punishment.  We either invest in success or pay for failure!


So, let’s make our voices heard by advocating for sensitive and sensible public policy options. 


Saving lives and saving dollars are key outcomes of providing timely and coordinated services at the earliest stages of life…from pregnancy on through early childhood, child protection and quality youth services. And providing in-home care for elders to avoid unnecessary placement in assisted living homes is likewise a true prevention option.


Here’s how one great leader dealt with adversity at a crucial time in his nation’s history. 


The heavy and frequent bombing attacks on London and other British cities was known as the ‘Blitz’. Night after night, from September 1940 until May 1941, Nazi bombers attacked British cities, ports and industrial sites. 

In one particularly brutal spell, London was bombed every day and night, bar none, for 11 consecutive weeks. One third of London was destroyed.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill did all he could to ease the suffering by trying to strengthen the resolve of his countrymen and women to survive. 

One night, while on tour of a hard-hit residential section of London, Churchill was approached by a BBC Radio reporter, microphone in hand.  “Mr. Prime Minister,” he began, “In viewing this horrible destruction with your own eyes, and in hearing the sorrowful agony of our citizens, what is your top priority for action?”

Churchill stared into the reporter’s eyes, raised his index finger into the air and replied, “My top priority is to have mothers healthy enough to put milk into their babies.”

The lesson of Churchill’s eloquence and empowering leadership is clear.  At the depth of our despair and in facing our greatest challenges, making sure we provide the basic care our families need to survive and thrive should be our top priority.

Yes, these past few weeks have presented us with frightful health concerns and deep economic uncertainties.

Let’s take every opportunity to keep that theme of prevention budgeting at the forefront of our advocacy communications.


Assuring quality care for pregnant women, providing opportunities for the successful development of our youngest and humane care for family members across the generations are the best choices we can make for the future.


Jack Levine, founder of the 4Generations Institute, is a family policy advocate, based in Tallahassee. He may be reached at