New webinar: Sustainability In Sports ……………………..

By | May 3, 2020

Released by UF/IFAS   …

By Randy Penn 

The sports industry is much more than the teams that are taking the field. In today’s world of sports, managers must be aware of all components of their organization. The sports industry has the ability to impact and influence our communities and many sports organizations are evaluating their environmental impacts.

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One way the industry is changing is through the promotion of healthy and sustainable communities. Sports leagues, franchises, colleges, teams, venues, and events are looking to embrace environmental programs: energy and water conservation, recycling and zero waste programs, sustainable purchasing, safer chemicals and environmentally friendly practices. This workshop blends lessons in sustainable best management practices and is open to anyone interested in learning ways to green their operations.


  • Identify the components of an environmental sustainability plan
  • Analyze and differentiate between the components of environmental programs
  • Research and analyze the motivations behind making the case for sustainability in sports
  • Research and evaluate key reasons sports organizations are implementing of sustainability programs and what impact it has made on the sports industry
  • Compare how different organizations market their environmental programs and create consistency
  • Identify key market trends that are revolutionizing the consumption and connection with fans
  • Compare and contrast CSR programs and what differentiates corporations from sports organizations

INSTRUCTOR: Randall Penn, UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County waste reduction agent

For questions or further information, please call 941-861-5000 or email If you require special accommodations to attend one of our events, please contact us in advance at 941-861-5000 or

NOTE: Classes and events may be canceled at any time due to low registration or other circumstances, with full refunds issued for paid events. Similar classes or events often are offered on future dates