City of Vernon, Florida Makes Decision To Cancel July 4 Festival and Fireworks Due to COVID-19 and Regional Burn Ban

By | May 19, 2020

On Monday, May 18, 2020, the City Council for Vernon, Florida met at the Vernon Community Center, maintaining social distancing, to conduct their regular monthly meeting for the first time in months.

One decision made on Monday evening was the cancellation of the traditional Vernon July 4 Celebration, including the pageant, festival, parade and fireworks show.

Citing the Governor’s standing orders to avoid large assemblies of people, as well as the concern of the current burn ban, covering Washington County and many surrounding counties, City officials opted to err on the side of caution and wait out the current dangerous conditions.

Washington County, Florida Supervisor of Elections candidate Corey Odom and Washington County Superintendent of Schools candidate Martha Compton had both committed contributions to the July 4 Celebration and fireworks show, and discussion ensued concerning next year’s show.

The 2020 Softball, Baseball and Tee Ball Season has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 concerns, and City officials have decided to refund all fees associated with the season.

Recreation officials reported that most of the ball equipment assigned to team coaches has not yet been returned, and City officials directed recreation members to notify coaches and parents that refunds would be made at the time the ball equipment was returned to the City.

In other business, Lee Steverson and Johnny Bowden from the firm of Brunson, Wilkerson, Bowden and Associates were awarded the contract to perform the 2019 audit on the City of Vernon.

The regular schedule of Vernon city council meetings will be resumed, with a Workshop on the first Monday, and a formal Meeting on the third Monday of each month, respectively.