There are benefits to Quit Smoking Now …………..

By | June 30, 2020
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Quitting smoking is good for your health. When you stop smoking, you start getting healthier almost immediately, so the sooner you quit, the sooner your body can start to heal. Check out the ways your health can start to improve, both today and in the future.

2 Weeks to 3 Months After quitting smoking: risk of heart attack begins to drop and lung function begins to improve.1 to 9 months after quitting smoking: coughing and shortness of breath decrease.1 year after quitting smoking: heart attack risk drops sharply.Within 2 to 5 years after quitting smoking: Stroke risk can fall to that of a nonsmoker's.Within 5 years after you quit smoking: risk of mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder cancers can drop by half.5 Years after quitting smoking: risk of cervical cancer can fall to that of a nonsmoker's.10 years after you quit smoking: lung cancer risk can drop by half.10 years after you quit smoking: risk of kidney and pancreatic cancers decreases.15 years after quitting smoking: heart disease risk is back to that of a nonsmoker's.