Florida Panhandle Technical College Student Receives State Recognition in Chipley, Florida

By | October 13, 2020

Florida Panhandle Technical College was pleased to learn that Millard Mitchell Taylor had received the Sunshine State Success Award from the Adult and Community Educators (ACE) of Florida.

Mitchell was recognized during the virtual 30th Anniversary Exceeding the Vision ACE Conference on October 8, 2020, which was widely viewed.

‘I am inspired to see that students are recognized for their hard work and passion’, said Martha Compton, Director of Florida Panhandle Technical College.

Mitchell has aspired to be a full-time fireman, and he has been volunteering for many years with his local community, but he knew that his one obstacle was the lack of a high school diploma.

Driven, Mitchell met with FPTC staff and began his journey to achieve his diploma and finish his training.

Through Mitchell’s hard work, determination, and the support of the FPTC staff and instructors from the Adult General Education Program, he is now fulfilling his dream as a fireman with Bay County.

Mitchell was nominated by FPTC Adult Education Coordinator Mrs. Joli Hartzog, as she recognized his desire and dedication to obtain his diploma and knew his success story needed to be shared with others.

Mrs. Hartzog highlighted the hours of hard work that Mr. Taylor had put into reaching his goal and career dream while working full-time to support his family.

FPTC is very proud of Mitchell Taylor and wish him the best with his new career.