City of Vernon, Florida Unanimously Appoints New Volunteer Fire Chief ShiQuan Green on Monday, November 16, 2020

By | November 18, 2020

On Monday, November 16, 2020, in a regular Monthly Meeting of the City Council of Vernon, Florida, ShiQuan Green (second from right below) was appointed the new Volunteer Fire Chief for the City following a unanimous vote by the Council.

Former Vernon Fire Chief of several years Mike Owens offered to the Vernon City Council several weeks ago his resignation as Chief due to a busy personal life, but has stayed on as a Vernon Firefighter and will work with Green to make the transition in roles.

Although one of the youngest Fire Chiefs in the history of Vernon, ShiQuan, currently a full-time Bay County, Florida Firefighter stationed in the Sand Hills Fire Station, brings years of experience as a Florida Certified Firefighter, along with several awards for service, and he is expected to make some changes in the daily operations of the Vernon Fire Department.