Town of Wausau, Florida Election Results- Two Town Council Seats and Mayoral Seat Change on December 8, 2020

By | December 9, 2020

Six candidates qualified and ran to fill three Town Council seats in Wausau, Florida on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, and the competition was strong.

Candidates included former Council member Dewayne Carter, current Mayor Bernie Palmer, Charles W ‘Billy’ Park Jr., current Council member Shirley Rightenburg, current Council member John Earl Walsingham and former Council member Carol Rogers West.

The polls closed at 7PM, and when the dust settled, sitting Council Representative John Earl Walsingham received 49 votes, former Council member Carol West received 40 votes, Billy Parks received 38 votes, Mayor Bernie Palmer received 34 votes, Council member Shirley Rightenburg received 34 votes and former Council member Dewayne Carter received 17 votes.

The top 3 vote recipients- Walsingham, West and Parks- will assume the three seats and the position of Mayor will be decided by the Council.

Further information may be obtained by calling Margaret Riley, Twon Clerk at 850-638-1781 or emailing