The DeFuniak Springs Municipal Airport’s annual Marvel of Flight air expo is cancelled for 2021. City officials decided to postpone the springtime event for at least another year until COVID passes and as construction on a new airport terminal progresses throughout the year.
“While we regret having to postpone this event for another year,” says City Manager Mell Smigielski, “we are excited to see plans for a new airport terminal come to fruition which includes replacing the current terminal with a new 6,000 square-foot facility, a new 12,000 square-foot aircraft hangar, new parking facilities and new fuel farm.
All of these improvements prevent us from hosting the Marvel of Flight 2021 air expo and hope our sponsors and guests understand our need to postpone this family event just one more year.”
Further information will be provided on the City’s Marvel of Flight event webpage at and on the City’s, Marvel of Flight and Airport Facebook pages.