January 2021 is National Hot Tea Month

By | January 10, 2021

According to the US Census, and the Tea Association of the U.S.A., Inc., The State of the U.S. Tea Industry 2019-20, “Import volumes into the USA were mixed 2019. Both Green and Black volumes were down in the first half of the year by -4.9% and -3.9% respectively.

However, as the year progressed, imports gained back some of the losses. Ultimately the year ended with Black Tea down on 1.7% and Green Tea was up 2.0%.

“While total volume imports were down some 1.1% vs. 2018, consumption of tea in the U.S. continues strong in most tea categories and across all demographics.

Green tea showed year-on-year strength with Green Tea now representing ~ 15.0% of total imports. Additionally, the dollar value of tea imports increased year over year vs. 2018.”

All these boring and very dry statistics aside, this is the perfect time of year to relax and warm up with a cup of hot tea, as an alternative from coffee.

The Four Golden Rules for a delicious cup of hot tea: (1) use a teapot, (2) bring fresh, cold tap water to a full boil (Note: If your water is heavily chlorinated or contains other objectionable odors, filter before boiling for best tasting tea); (3) use one teaspoon or one tea bag per cup; (4) pour boiling water over tea and brew by the clock 3 to 5 minutes and serve!

For the best flavor, preheat the teapot with a little hot water prior to use and cover your teapot with a cozy to retain heat during the brewing process.
