Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, 34 and Just Days Into Her Congressional Term Pushes Back

By | January 24, 2021

Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, 34 and the newly elected U.S. Representative for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, just days into her congressional term, introduced three bills this week, including:

1. A bill to prevent funding for the Paris Accord.

2. A bill to halt funding to the WHO until we hold them accountable for their role in COVID.

3. A bill to overturn Biden’s Mask mandate.

Gun control advocate Eileen McCarron faced blowback last year when she quipped that newly elected Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert would be heading to Washington to lead the “nut-job caucus.”

Afterward, McCarron said she wondered if she had gone too far. But then she saw Boebert rail about the 2020 elections, demand to carry a handgun onto the House floor, and send incendiary tweets about 1776 ahead of the U.S. Capitol violence on Jan. 6. Now, McCarron told ABC News, she thinks Boebert “may actually be worse” than she feared.

“I think it’s become clear she is a menace to our country,” said McCarron, the president of Colorado Ceasefire.

“I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be for this moment,” Boebert told ABC News. “I’m proud to be here. I’m not slowing down. I’m not backing down.”

The Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol served as a signal event for the Donald Trump presidency, and it has proven both defining and perilous for some of his staunchest supporters — of which Boebert is one. In the weeks since the attack, Boebert has faced suspicion from many of her new colleagues in Washington. She has endured death threats and a flood of ridicule on social media. And she has seen strong reactions from critics and even some supporters back home in Colorado.

Some of Boebert’s Colorado constituents hosted a rally calling for her expulsion from Congress last week. Democrats promoted an aggressive recruiting drive to field an opponent to run against her in 2022. And a group of 60 elected officials from the Western Colorado region Boebert represents wrote an open letter to congressional leaders calling for an investigation into Boebert’s conduct during the Jan. 6 insurrection, which they described as “irresponsible and reprehensible.”