Wausau, Florida Town Council Meets on Thursday, January 21, 2021, Discusses Possum Festival

By | January 25, 2021

The Town Council of Wausau, Florida met in regular session with several newly-elected council members on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 5PM, with a relatively short agenda.

Discussion included the potential fate of the Wausau Possum Festival, celebrating 50 years in 2020 with an abbreviated footprint and diminished crowd due to COVID-19.

The Council heard from Wausau Development Club members concerning the 2021 Festival and Parade, with the request made to petition the Florida Department of Transportation for a permit to hold the Possum Parade on Hwy 77 on the first Saturday in August, 2021.

A request was also made by the Development Club to potentially hold the event outside the town of Wausau, due to the Possum Palace undergoing renovation scheduled to be in progress at that time of year.

The Wausau Town Council unanimously agreed to both requests and asked to be kept apprised of the situation as the event date nears. 

The Town of Wausau has previously decided to forgo any participation in the Wausau Possum Festival, as has the Wausau Volunteer Fire Department, leaving the Wausau Development Club as the sole executer of the parade and festival.