New, Inclusive Army Grooming Standards Relax Rules, Allow Pony Tails, Nail Polish and Earrings- and That’s Just the Men

By | January 31, 2021

The U.S. Army will loosen restrictions on lipstick, nail polish and protective hairstyles in an effort to promote gender and racial inclusion.

The U.S. Army this week unveiled an updated grooming policy that is set to go into effect in late February. The new policy also removes hair length and dimension requirements and allows ponytails and earrings.

The revisions were decided by a 17-soldier panel, including 15 women, who assessed grooming suggestions focused on health, wellness, diversity and inclusion of soldiers while keeping “professional appearance” in mind, the Army said.

“I see (the new standards as) being a little bit more aware of the different hair textures and hair types that our soldiers have,” said Deshauna Barber, CEO of Service Women’s Action Network, an advocacy group for military women.

Barber is African American and described her hair as “one of the biggest struggles” while in the military for 10 years.

“We’re looking at, you know, a future of women that will have healthier hair,” Barber, an Army Reserve captain, said. “It’s important for us to feel like we can walk into the military … and feel confident in the way that we look and we’re not sacrificing our appearance or our hair health.”

Under the current policy, female soldiers’ hair cannot be shorter than one-forth of an inch or have braids, twists, locks or cornrows that are wider than half an inch. The new policy removes these restrictions.

Previously, only buns were permitted for female soldiers with medium-length hair. The new standard will now allow them to tie their hair in a ponytail “if the individual’s hair length or texture prevents them from securing it into a tight bun,” the press release . says.

Soon, all soldiers will also be able to dye their hair any natural color, and female soldiers can wear lipstick and nail polish in approved colors. Bold colors such as purple, blue, pink, green, orange, bright red and neon colors are still not permitted. Men also will be allowed to wear clear nail polish.