Solution Found by Joy Behar On School Students: ‘Just Have Everyone Repeat The Year’

By | January 31, 2021

Why didn’t we think of that?

On Sunday, “The View” co-host Joy Behar took the side of many teachers’ unions that have rebelled against the teachers going back to school as she tweeted, “Sending kids back to school this year is so fraught with anxiety and uncertainty. Why not just have everyone repeat the year? Is that such a far out idea?”

Behar’s comments triggered genuine anger among many parents who have seen the demoralizing effect on their children who have been prevented from returning to school, and among others who may even be home-schooling their children but have observed the destructive impact of school closures.

New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz: “What are people in all the sane parts of the country, who followed the science and the scientists, whose kids had a fairly normal year that all of ours kids should have had, going to do?”

Emily Zanotti of The Daily Wire: “Not just that but here in Chicago, all the public school kids have been out but the private school kids have been in. So you keep 25% back but force 75% to repeat? Also, if this year meant nothing why are we paying teachers for it?”

Ricochet editor Bethany Mandel: “People without kids have no idea how cruel of a notion this is. People with any understanding of the science behind school safety know how senseless it is.”

The Atlantic noted on Thursday, “Federal health officials at the CDC this week called for children to return to American classrooms as soon as possible. In an essay in the Journal of the American Medical Association, they wrote that the “preponderance of available evidence” from the fall semester had reassured the agency that with adequate masking, distancing, and ventilation, the benefits of opening schools outweigh the risks of keeping kids at home for months.”

The essay cited a European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control report from December 2020, writing, “The investigators concluded that these data, together with the observation that rates of infection among teachers and nonteachers were generally similar, indicated that schools were not associated with accelerating community transmission.”

The essay concluded, “Decisions made today can help ensure safe operation of schools and provide critical services to children and adolescents in the US. Some of these decisions may be difficult. They include a commitment to implement community-based policies that reduce transmission when SARS-CoV-2 incidence is high (eg, by restricting indoor dining at restaurants), and school-based policies to postpone school-related activities that can increase risk of in-school transmission (eg, indoor sports practice or competition).”