Jackson County, Florida Sheriff’s Office Arrests Leroy Cooper, 31 of Greenwood, Florida on Aggravated Assault, Armed Burglary

By | February 10, 2021

On February 4, 2021, at approximately 10:20AM, the Jackson County, Florida Sheriff’s Office responded to an address on Applewhite St. in Greenwood, Florida to a reported armed disturbance.

Upon arrival, Deputies learned that several construction workers were on-site at a charity homebuilding project reviewing blueprints when he heard a loud commotion in a storage container on the property.

When one of the men went to investigate, he discovered a man, later identified as Leroy Cooper, inside the container.

When Cooper saw the gentleman, he charged at him with a knife.

Cooper was yelling threats and profanity and did attempt to cut the man with the knife.

Back-up units arrived and Cooper was ordered to exit the container.

He initially refused, but surrendered after a short time. Before being searched, Cooper admitted to having marijuana in his pants pocket, which was confirmed.

As he was being read his Miranda warning, Cooper was continually loud and verbally abusive. The knife described by the victim was located inside the storage container where it also appeared that Cooper had been living.

Further investigation revealed that the charity responsible for the project had placed a padlock on the storage container only to have it cut off twice.

Cooper was found inside the container on a previous date and ordered to leave, but they later learned that he had not vacated the structure.

Leroy Cooper, age 31 of Greenwood was charged with Aggravated Assault with a Knife, Armed Burglary of a Structure, and Possession of Marijuana Less than 20 Grams.

He was lodged in the Jackson County Correctional Facility to await first appearance.