If Workers Are Still Needed While Unemployment Rate Remains High- Do They Really Want To Work?

By | February 11, 2021

While the unemployment rates continue to stay high, many local businesses are looking to add employees to their revenue, and are having a difficult time finding workers.

“It’s been tough, it’s been a challenge being able to find the people that we need and enough people,” Personnel Director of Dunbarton Corporation Jill Lord said.

Businesses like Dunbarton have seen lots of employees come in and out in the past year, due to the fear and difficulties caused by the global pandemic.

“But for the most part, plant wide and company wide, we really look for people that you know want to come in and learn,” Lord said. “If you’re eager and willing to learn, we can teach you.”

“We’re very blessed to have a lot of employees that have been here for several years, you know 40 plus, and so we’ve got a lot of people that know what they’re doing and are willing to train you if you’re willing to learn,” She added.

Dunbarton has multiple openings in their plant and a few in their offices.

On the other side of the workforce, the medical field has seen a huge overturn of workers as well, between employees getting sick to many burning out from exhaustion.

Encompass Health is looking for workers and has a long line of benefits and competitive pay if applicants qualify for any of their positions.

They also want to add to their work family, as they see their work as a second home.

“We have a great environment,” Personnel Director Kristina Davis said. “I mean again we are here to give the best patient care but also our hospital is the perfect size for our employees.”

“Many of them refer to all of us as like a family,” Davis said. “So having good morale and being able to work together in a team work atmosphere is so important.”

For more information on Encompass Health opportunities, you can visit their website encompasshealth.com/careers and for Dunbarton, call (334) 794-8722.