Myron Hudson Seeks Re-Election as District 9 Trustee for West Florida Electric Cooperative

By | March 22, 2021
If you are a customer of WFECA, or West Florida Electric Cooperative, then you are actually a member of that cooperative and benefit from that membership through electric power rates which are as low as possible.
West Florida Electric Cooperative is managed by a Board of Trustees, of which there are nine members. 
Myron Hudson has represented District 9 on the WFEC Board of Trustees for the last ten years and has been a member of the West Florida Electric Cooperative for the past 46 years.
He has earned his Credential Cooperative Director’s certification through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and has served his community in numerous roles and functions through
out the past 50 years.
Those services include: Trustee, Chipola College Board; Washington/Holmes Technical Center Advisory Board; Board of Directors for Holmes County Chamber of Commerce; and Panhandle Area Education Consortium (PAEC).
Ballots for the West Florida Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees will be sent to WFECA members on March 25, 2021, and Myron Hudson would appreciate your support and vote.
Here is a short video interview which will allow you to become familiar with Myron Hudson, and perhaps better understand the cooperative structure and business model.

Myron Hudson has also served on the Holmes County Fair Board; Tri-County Community Transportation Board; Tri-County Community Head Start Policy Board; the Holmes County Planning Commission; the Chipola Regional Jobs and Education Partnership Commission’ President of the Bonifay Kiwanis Club; a Charter member of Bonifay Gideons; a member of Florida Farm Bureau and has been a member of two farmers’ cooperatives.
Raised in Holmes County, Hudson attended elementary and high school in Westville and Ponce De Leon and graduated from Ponce De Leon High School in 1969.
His post-secondary education includes a Bachelor’s of Science Degree from the University of Florida in Agriculture and Extension Education; a Master’s Degree in Administration and Supervision from Troy Unversity and Chief Executive Officer/LPD certification, Vanderbilt University.
Hudson is a 33 year veteran with the Holmes County School Board and retired in 2005.  His service to the Holmes County Board included: Agriculture Teacher/ FFA Advisor; school principal at Ponce De Leon High School and Poplar
Springs School; District Director of Vocational Education and two terms as Superintendent of Schools.
Hudson and his wife, Susan, continue to own and operate a farm near Westville, Florida, where they had the pleasure of raising their family. 
They have three children: Dr. Lindsey Hudson Tate, Kyle Hudson and Tiffany Hudson McKinney. They also have nine grandchildren.