Mast, Soto Call On President Joe Biden To Fully Fund Everglades Restoration In Infrastructure Package

By | March 29, 2021

U.S. Congressmen Brian Mast (FL-18) and Darren Soto (FL-9) today led Members of the Florida Congressional delegation in requesting that President Joe Biden and Congressional leaders include full funding for the completion of the authorized Everglades Restoration projects in the upcoming infrastructure package. 

“This infrastructure package is a historic opportunity to fully fund Everglades restoration and combat Florida’s ongoing public health crisis caused by the federal government discharging toxic water from Lake Okeechobee nearly every summer,” Rep. Mast said. “Fully funding Everglades Restoration as part of this package would create more than 65,000 jobs, protect the environment and improve public health not just for Floridians but also for the 130 million visitors attracted to the state each year by America’s Everglades and Florida’s other environmental marvels.”

Last week, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg testified before the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee about the important role that water infrastructure has in achieving the environmental justice goals of the Administration.

The letters were also signed by Representatives Matt Gaetz (FL-1), Stephanie Murphy (FL-7), Bill Posey (FL-8), Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) and Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27).