Tommy Sasser Re-Elected to Ward 2 Council Seat in Chipley, Florida

By | August 4, 2021

Politics is probably one of the most discussed, but least acted-upon subjects these days.

Much water cooler talk centers around which politician hurt the feelings of which constituents on any particular day, but with a net result of low voter turnout when it is time to replace these representatives, at least on a local level.

Is it apathy, or simply laziness that causes potential voters to eschew the one effort which could actually change a political representative, and outcome?

Why do we, as citizens, ignore our opportunity to cast our one vote (or more, if you live in several other US states) to make a change in our local, state and federal politics?

Yesterday, on the first Tuesday of August, 2021, the citizens of Chipley, Florida were given the Constitutionally-protected right and privilege to cast their vote, and express their opinion about whom should represent them in City matters, but only a handful of voters turned up.

In this case, Tommy Sasser, who has well served the City of Chipley for five consecutive terms got the ‘W’ over political newcomer Jennifer Jones.

If you wanted to express the situation dramatically, you might point out that the battle was won by an unofficial margin of only 26 votes.

This drama is lessened when we discover that, out of a potential voting populace of around 2,380, under 140 voters chose to cast ballots, under a 6 percent turnout, and a win of over 20 percent.

This fact is overshadowed when it is further pointed out that there has been no opposition to Chipley Council positions over the past several election cycles, with constituents either satisfied with present representation, or simply too busy or lazy to engage in the process.

Politics starts at home, with the least weighty positions in the smallest geographical areas, and we will soon see why a gubernatorial, mayoral or even City Council or Commission position affects us personally and more dramatically than a presidential position, when it comes to our everyday liberties and freedoms.

So for now, congratulations to Tommy Sasser, as well as Mayor Tracy Andrews, who ran unopposed for her position. Both are fine people and well-qualified to represent the citizens of Chipley.

Just don’t complain the next time you feel slighted, unless you have participated in the process.