Will Panama City Beach, Florida Cancel All Upcoming Special Events Due to Spike in COVID-19 Cases? Some Think So.

By | August 7, 2021

There are conflicting reports about the status of upcoming events that have been planned to take place in Panama City Beach due to the current spike in COVID-19 cases.

News 13 has learned from multiple sources that Panama City Beach officials are planning to cancel all the events for the immediate future.

City officials apparently made this decision based off of a policy they passed last year when the COVID-19 crisis began.

Our sources tell us, the city began sending out confirmation of this decision on Friday.

At this point, it is unknown which events will be affected or how long this cancellation period will last.

We asked the city for comment and received a statement from city spokesperson, Debbie Ward.

Despite the information we received from our sources, the city claims they have not made a decision to cancel any events as of yet.

They said the city “continues to monitor the COVID-19 cases in our area and we are especially concerned about ICU capacity in our hospitals.”

The statement goes on to say they are monitoring their own events and add “as events come up we will look at ICU capacity and make decisions on a case by case basis.”

Again, our sources have told us this decision has already been made.

We are going to continue to monitor the situation and will report new details as they come available.

With the Panama City Beach Mayor a part of the upcoming Gulf Coast Jam, some wonder what will happen to the upcoming special events.