Council on Occupational Education (COE) Conducts Successful Accreditation Audit of Florida Panhandle Technical College in Chipley, Florida

By | September 24, 2021

A degree in technical education offers a number of benefits for parents and students alike because the path to it is usually faster and more affordable.

Parents appreciate the reduced tuition costs and high job placement rates of accredited institutions. With specialized training, students are able to quickly transition into the workforce.

Accreditation is a status granted to an educational institution or program that has been found to meet or exceed stated criteria of educational quality and student achievement. Accreditation by COE is viewed as a nationally-honored seal of excellence for occupational education institutions and denotes honesty and integrity.

The Council on Occupational Education is dedicated to the continued improvement of our standards and open to receiving feedback from the general public, using a survey that allows you to rate the adequacy and relevancy of the objectives of the standards for accreditation of career and technical education institutions. The results of this survey are reviewed annually by the Council’s Committees on Accreditation Standards and Conditions.

On Monday, September19, 2021 through Thursday, September 23, 2021 a team of COE auditors visited the campus of Florida Panhandle Technical College in Chipley, Florida, with teams on the ground augmented by teams using virtual methods (Zoom) and other technologies to conduct the survey.

Several months were spent by FPTC staff in preparation of this survey, last conducted five years ago, and the unofficial results, as conveyed by the team visiting the college, were upbeat and positive.

‘This campus has a vitality and energy that rivals any campus I have visited’, said one visiting COE member.

‘We received absolutely no negative comments from students concerning instructors at the college’, mentioned another COE representative, ‘and the collective enthusiasm and energy of the student body was exciting’.

One COE team member, who resided in an urban area of New Jersey, said, ‘I wish we could capture this energy and spirit of education in my area’.

The week started with a welcome dinner on the FPTC campus, as seen in the accompanying photos, and finished on Thursday, September 23, 2021, with a debrief of staff, instructors and administration personnel by FPTC Director Larry Moore.